Welcome Message from the Dean
The School of Humanities and Social Sciences is one of the largest School in South Eastern Kenya University as of today. The School has grown tremendously and rapidly in student population due to the prevailing harmonious working conditions and wealth of quality members of academic and non-academic staff.
The School strives to be on the cutting edge of successful interaction of Teaching and Research in Education, Humanities, and Social Science related disciplines. Our students are endowed with pedagogical approaches to prepare them to be well rounded to work in diverse fields such as Teaching, Social Work, Community Public Service, International Organizations, Corporations, Community Organizations, Non-Governmental Organizations, Academic and Research bodies. The School enjoys support and good working relationships with all other Schools in the endeavor towards strengthening careers of its members. Currently, the School of Education, Humanities and Social Sciences has nine departments namely; Educational Foundations, Educational Communication and Technology, Educational Administration & Planning, Educational Psychology, Department of Sociology, Anthropology & Gender Development Studies, Department of Geography, History & Religious Studies, Department of Kiswahili and Other African languages, Department of Linguistics and Literature and Department of Teaching Practice. In addition, the School has over 50 Ph.D. registered students, over 100 Masters Students and over 4,000 Undergraduate Students currently in session.
Programs on offer
Preparing students to make meaningful contributions to society as engaged citizens and leaders in a complex world.